CHOLESTEROL DOWN(ISBN=9780307339119) 英文原版 下载 pdf 百度网盘 epub 免费 2025 电子版 mobi 在线

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CHOLESTEROL DOWN(ISBN=9780307339119) 英文原版书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9780307339119
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2006-12
  • 页数:316
  • 价格:42.70
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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  • 读书笔记:点击查看
  • 原文摘录:点击查看


Take Control of Your Cholesterol— Without Drugs

If you are one of the nearly 100 million Americans struggling with

high cholesterol, then Dr. Janet Brill offers you a revolutionary

new plan for taking control of your health—without the risks of

statin drugs. With Dr. Brill’s breakthrough Cholesterol Down Plan,

you simply add nine “miracle foods” to your regular diet and thirty

minutes of walking to your daily routine. That’s all. This

straightforward and easy-to-follow program can lower your LDL

(“bad”) cholesterol by as much as 47 percent in just four


Cholesterol Down explains Dr. Brill’s ten-point plan as well

as the science behind it. You’ll learn how each miracle food

affects LDL cholesterol and how the foods work together for maximum

effect, as well as:

? How eating whole grains helps reduce LDL cholesterol in your


? Why antioxidants keep plaque from building up in your


? How certain steps change the structure of LDL cholesterol

particles (and why it’s best for them to be large and fluffy)

? Why walking just thirty minutes a day lowers “bad” cholesterol

and cuts dangerous belly fat

With everything you need to stay focused on the plan, including a

daily checklist, a six-month chart for racking LDL cholesterol

changes, tools for assessing your risk level for cardiovascular

disease, sample weekly menus, and even heart-healthy recipes,

Cholesterol Down is the safe and effective alternative or

complement to statin drugs.




JANET BOND BRILL, Ph.D., R.D., LDN, is a registered and licensed

dietitian/nutritionist, exercise physiologist, and certified

wellness coach. She has been published in the International

Journal of Obesity and the International Journal of Sport

Nutrition, as well as in the popular press.









Take Control of Your Cholesterol— Without Drugs

If you are one of the nearly 100 million Americans struggling with high cholesterol, then Dr. Janet Brill offers you a revolutionary new plan for taking control of your health—without the risks of statin drugs. With Dr. Brill’s breakthrough Cholesterol Down Plan, you simply add nine “miracle foods” to your regular diet and thirty minutes of walking to your daily routine. That’s all. This straightforward and easy-to-follow program can lower your LDL (“bad”) cholesterol by as much as 47 percent in just four weeks.

Cholesterol Down explains Dr. Brill’s ten-point plan as well as the science behind it. You’ll learn how each miracle food affects LDL cholesterol and how the foods work together for maximum effect, as well as:

• How eating whole grains helps reduce LDL cholesterol in your bloodstream

• Why antioxidants keep plaque from building up in your arteries

• How certain steps change the structure of LDL cholesterol particles (and why it’s best for them to be large and fluffy)

• Why walking just thirty minutes a day lowers “bad” cholesterol and cuts dangerous belly fat

With everything you need to stay focused on the plan, including a daily checklist, a six-month chart for racking LDL cholesterol changes, tools for assessing your risk level for cardiovascular disease, sample weekly menus, and even heart-healthy recipes, Cholesterol Down is the safe and effective alternative or complement to statin drugs.


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  • 引人入胜:7分

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  • 事实准确性:8分

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