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Greek Tragedy 9780415610193书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9780415610193
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2011-04
  • 页数:360
  • 价格:169.90
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:32开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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'Two things give Kitto's classic book its enduring freshness: he pioneered the approach to Greek drama through internal artistry and thematic form, and he always wrote in lively and readable English.' - Oliver Taplin, University of Oxford, UK Why did Aeschylus characterize differently from Sophocles? Why did Sophocles introduce the third actor? Why did Euripides not make better plots? So asks H.D.F Kitto in his acclaimed study of Greek tragedy, available for the first time in Routledge Classics. Kitto argues that in spite of dealing with big moral and intellectual questions, the Greek dramatist is above all an artist and the key to understanding classical Greek drama is to try and understand the tragic conception of each play. In Kitto's words 'We shall ask what the dramatist is striving to say, not what in fact he does say about this or that.' Through a brilliant analysis of Aeschylus's 'Oresteia', the plays of Sophocles including 'Antigone' and 'Oedipus Tyrannus'; and Euripides's 'Medea' and 'Hecuba', Kitto skilfully conveys the enduring artistic and literary brilliance of the Greek dramatists. H.D.F Kitto (1897 -- 1982) was a renowned British classical scholar. He lectured at the University of Glasgow from 1920-1944 before becoming Professor of Greek at Bristol University, where he taught until 1962.






Lyrical Tragedy

Old Tragedy

The 'Oresteia'

The Dramatic Art of Aeschylus

Middle Tragedy: Sophocles

The Philosophy of Sophocles

The Dramatic Art of'Sophocles

The Euripidean Tragedy

The Technique of the Euripidean Tragedy

The 'Trachiniae'and the 'Philoctetes'

New Tragedy: Euripides' Tragi-comedies

New Tragedy: Euripides' Melodramas

Two Last Plays



  H.D.F Kitto (1897 – 1982) was a renowned British classical

scholar. He lectured at the University of Glasgow from 1920-1944

before becoming Professor of Greek at Bristol University, where he

taught until 1962.











  'Two things give Kitto's classic book its enduring freshness: he

pioneered the approach to Greek drama through internal artistry and

thematic form, and he always wrote in lively and readable English.'

- Oliver Taplin, University of Oxford, UK

  Product De*ion

  With a new foreword by Edith Hall

  'Two things give Kitto's classic book its enduring freshness: he

pioneered the approach to Greek drama through internal artistry and

thematic form, and he always wrote in lively and readable English.'

- Oliver Taplin, University of Oxford, UK

  Why did Aeschylus characterize differently from Sophocles? Why

did Sophocles introduce the third actor? Why did Euripides not make

better plots? So asks H.D.F Kitto in his acclaimed study of Greek

tragedy, available for the first time in Routledge Classics.

  Kitto argues that in spite of dealing with big moral and

intellectual questions, the Greek dramatist is above all an artist

and the key to understanding classical Greek drama is to try and

understand the tragic conception of each play. In Kitto’s words ‘We

shall ask what the dramatist is striving to say, not what in fact

he does say about this or that.’ Through a brilliant analysis of

Aeschylus’s ‘Oresteia’, the plays of Sophocles including ‘Antigone’

and ‘Oedipus Tyrannus’; and Euripides’s ‘Medea’ and ‘Hecuba’, Kitto

skilfully conveys the enduring artistic and literary brilliance of

the Greek dramatists.

  H.D.F Kitto (1897 – 1982) was a renowned British classical

scholar. He lectured at the University of Glasgow from 1920-1944

before becoming Professor of Greek at Bristol University, where he

taught until 1962.


'Two things give Kitto's classic book its enduring freshness: he pioneered the approach to Greek drama through internal artistry and thematic form, and he always wrote in lively and readable English.' - Oliver Taplin, University of Oxford, UK Why did Aeschylus characterize differently from Sophocles? Why did Sophocles introduce the third actor? Why did Euripides not make better plots? So asks H.D.F Kitto in his acclaimed study of Greek tragedy, available for the first time in Routledge Classics. Kitto argues that in spite of dealing with big moral and intellectual questions, the Greek dramatist is above all an artist and the key to understanding classical Greek drama is to try and understand the tragic conception of each play. In Kitto's words 'We shall ask what the dramatist is striving to say, not what in fact he does say about this or that.' Through a brilliant analysis of Aeschylus's 'Oresteia', the plays of Sophocles including 'Antigone' and 'Oedipus Tyrannus'; and Euripides's 'Medea' and 'Hecuba', Kitto skilfully conveys the enduring artistic and literary brilliance of the Greek dramatists. H.D.F Kitto (1897 -- 1982) was a renowned British classical scholar. He lectured at the University of Glasgow from 1920-1944 before becoming Professor of Greek at Bristol University, where he taught until 1962.


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